Vuylsteke Gieterijen
‘Vuylsteke Gieterijen NV’ is an old iron foundry that made products for drainage canals. The factory closed down in 2003 and was eventually demolished.
Vuylsteke was mainly active in castings for sewers, but the company also supplied mechanical castings. In 2002, the Vuylsteke foundry was taken over by the Lecomte foundry. However, the new owner could not save the company. As a result, the factory went bankrupt in 2003 and 111 people became jobless. The grounds of the factory in Roeselare are heavily contaminated. But in 2012 the buildings were demolished, and the site was cleaned. There will be a new business site here.
I took these photos of ‘Vuylsteke Gieterijen NV’ in 2010. Follow this link for more abandoned foundries.