Laminoir de Montignies


Established by the company ‘Usines Métallurgiques de Hainaut-Sambre Couillet’ the ‘Laminoir de Montignies’ was part of the long list of rolling mills in the region Charleroi.

The mill, also called ‘laminoir n° 380’ is a long shed located along the towpath and train tracks. It was built during the year 1970 along the river Sambre.

After the Second World War, the steel industry was very prosperous. But the construction of this site finished almost at the same time as the recession started, which was going to mark the last moments of glory of this industry.

From 1987 until 1999 , the site was occupied by the company BOMA, which installed a center for the recovery and recovery of waste from the steel, glass and food industries. After the cessation of these activities, the site has remained abandoned until today.

Today this long shed with its gasometer in the front, is only a memory of the industrial past of the region. The hall is 650 meter long but mostly empty. However the water inside the factory gives some nice reflections, making it an interesting photo location. Eventually the site was cleaned in 2014. I took these photos of ‘Laminoir de Montignies’ or ‘Usine Shelt’ in 2009. Follow this link for more abandoned location in and around Charleroi.

Built 1963
Abandoned 1987 + 1999