
Medisch Instituut van Menen


‘Medisch Instituut van Menen’ was an abandoned hospital in the Belgian city Menen. Eventually, the buildings were demolished in 2016.

The ‘Kliniek Bond Moyson‘ that was built in 1933 didn’t meet the modern standards, as a result they made plans to build this modern ‘Medisch Instituut van Menen’ on the edge of town.

Heilig Hartziekenhuis Roeselare

In 1967 the new hospital opened its doors. It was owned by the Bond Moyson, a Belgian health insurance company. During 2001 the hospital management decided to cluster all the local hospitals at one site. It was created through the merging of the large Heilig Hartziekenhuis in Roeselare and this hospital. As a result the Menen clinic became an annex of the new hospital group. The new institute had both 883 hospital beds and 55 care beds. Later, the group was renamed AZ Delta.

This hospital closed its doors in 2009, as a consequence patients and employees were transferred to other hospitals of the group. Eventually, the site was demolished in 2016. These photos of the old abandoned clinic were taken during my visit in 2012. Follow this link for more abandoned hospitals.

Built 1965
Abandoned 2009
Demolished 2016