Laboratoire d’Anatomie & Cytologie Pathologiques


The ‘Laboratoire d’Anatomie & Cytologie Pathologiques’ is the abandoned mortuary of the Clinique La Tourelle in Verviers, Belgium. It was used as a morgue until 2013 and reconverted to a bike parking in 2015.

Mainly the building was used for the purpose to do research on recent deceased people. For example, to investigate the reason of death. In addition, it was the hospital morgue. The small building includes an entrance hall with access to the autopsy and body preparation room, the fridge room and a family room. Meanwhile, the mortuary moved to a more modern part of the hospital. Clinique La Tourelle is part of the hospital CHR Verviers.

These photos of the morgue were taken during my two visits in 2014. Eventually, the building was reconverted in 2015. In fact, the ‘Laboratoire d’Anatomie & Cytologie Pathologiques’ has become a bicycle parking for the staff of the hospital. Also check this morgue in Antwerp if you like Dark Tourism.

Built ?
Abandoned 2013
Reconverted 2015

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