
Oratorio di Santa Eurosia


This is the ‘Oratorio di Santa Eurosia’ in Italy. It is an old chapel, is dedicated to Saint Orosia. The baroque church is also known as ‘la chiesuola’.

Eurosia is the patron saint of Jaca, a city in the Pyrenees, the center of her cult. She was born in Bayonne and died in 714. Her legend states that she was of noble birth and promised to a Moor in an arranged marriage. Eurosia escaped and hid in a cave. Unfortunately, the smoke from her fire led to her capture. She was dragged from the cave by her hair. Afterward, her limbs were amputated and she was beheaded.

The chapel was built in the garden of the castle, built by the noble Italian family Taverna. The castle was built in 1530.

The villa and the park behind it, which always remained the property of the Taverna family. But the chapel has been abandoned for several years. Although it has a protected status. The attached pastors house is trashed the past few years and in a very bad state. Hopefully the chapel can be saved before the buildings collapse. I visited ‘Oratorio di Santa Eurosia’ in 2014.

Built 1735
Abandoned ?