Conceria Fraschini
This is ‘Conceria Fraschini’ in Brenta. It is a tannery in Italy that started as a small mill in 1802 at the exact place where today the buildings are left abandoned.
The building is located near the two rivers that flow through the area, the Boesio river and the Serpillo. The structure occupies an area of 15 thousand square meters and is mostly made up of several warehouses.
In the mid-nineteenth century, the family converted the mill into a real tannery. Forthwith, the brothers Antonio and Ferdinando Fraschini founded the company ‘Conceria Fraschini’ in 1925. Subsequently, the company expanded by opening a warehouse in Parabiago and later in Milan.
During the Second World War, the tannery Fraschini was found suitable for producing military supplies for the Royal Navy. For this reason, it became an arms factory. Eventually, after a few hard postwar years, the business went booming at the end of the 1940s. In 1949 many stores were opened around Italy selling the factories leather. The tannery employed 220 people in 1968.
During the year 2000, 37 employees are fired to keep the factory from bankruptcy. The company, among the oldest in the Province of Varese, was purchased by the Polita Group in 2007. But in 2009 the curtain falls for the tannery. The ‘Guardia di Finanza’ declares its bankruptcy. Also, the site was heavily polluted. It holds up to 78 thousand milligrams of chromium per kilogram of soil, the limit is 150 milligrams.
Now, years after the closure, the factory is still abandoned. The photos of tannery Fraschini were taken in 2014. Also check the report of this Belgian abandoned tannery.