Sanatorium Waldhaus


Sanatorium Waldhaus’ is situated in the village Sülzhayn in Germany, a village known for its health resorts. The old sanatorium was left abandoned in 1990 and almost 30 years later it was demolished.

The sanatorium was built in 1898 by Elisabeth Teichgräber, initially as a holiday hotel for groups. The building was designed by architect A. Krieghoff.

In 1902 the sanatorium was extended, also in the years 1906 and 1914 new parts were added to the building. The original 32 beds were doubled in 1908 and eventually increased to 90 beds in 1932. Meanwhile in the year 1921 the property was sold and in 1922 the building was renamed ‘Kinderheilstätte Holstein’. In 1929 the hospital housed both 181 children and 24 employees.

After twenty years, during 1945, the hospital was nationalized and renamed ‘Krankenhaus Lebenswende’. The building held this name until it was closed. It became part of the regional ‘Hamburgischen Kinderheilstätte’ institute. The hospital closed during the early 1990s. I took these photos of ‘Sanatorium Waldhaus’ in 2011. The building was demolished in 2019. Follow this link for more abandoned sanatoria.

Built 1898
Abandoned 1990
Demolished 2019
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