
Schloss Oldershausen


‘Schloss Oldershausen’ is an abandoned castle that also was used as a sanatorium, hospital, and old folks home. It was built in 1885 and left a hundred years later.

The oldest part of this castle was built in 1858 after a design of Conrad Wilhelm Hase. Owner Burchard von Oldershausen and his son Cuno expanded the castle around 1877. A new side wing, portal, terrace and a spacious atrium were added to the castle. Surrounding the property was a big and beautiful garden. During all these years the site belonged to the Oldershausen family.

Sanatorium and rehabilitation center

After the Second World War, the English army took the castle. Later, ‘Schloss Oldershausen’ was used as a sanatorium for lung patients. It was a hospital until the beginning of the seventies. Between 1975 and 1985, it served as a rehabilitation center for both mentally and physically disabled children.

Eventually, the building was left abandoned in 1985. The castle is a private site, but nobody lived there ever since. Today it is becoming more and more a ruin. The building is not protected anymore, so it will probably be demolished if it doesn’t collapse. These photos of the castle were taken in 2011. More abandoned castles can be found here.

Built 1858
Abandoned 1985