Quinta de Santo António da Juncosa


Quinta de Santo António da Juncosa’ is a small derelict farm in Portugal. It has been abandoned for some years and has been the center of urban legends.

This old farm was the property of baron Luis de Lencastre Carneiro de Vasconcelos. He was titled Baron of Lajes. The baron and his wife Maria Júlia are the center of an urban legend. The story goes that the baron suspected his wife had a lover. The legend goes that he dragged her with a rope behind his horse until she died. In a shock, he later murdered his children and committed suicide. But the facts tell another story, the baron died in 1933, his wife in 1953, almost 20 years later.


There is not much info about this farm. It is probably built in the 16th century. Not much of the original farm is visible today. Fact is, during my visit in 2016, the farm was abandoned for more than 75 years.

Built 16th century
Abandoned 1940
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