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Machinefabriek De Schelde


This is the ‘Machinefabriek De Schelde’, the machine factory of the Royal Schelde. It is one of the remaining buildings that haven’t been demolished. The original hall was built in three stages, the first one was ready in 1913, the others in 1916 and 1919.

The year 1919 is still visible on the façade of the factory. The other dates were painted over in the 1990s. During the years, other halls were added to the old factory. In 1955 the original glass roof was replaced due to high energy costs to warm the big halls.

The history of the ‘NV Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde’ or ‘Royal Schelde Group’ starts in the year 1875. In that year the yard De Schelde was established as founder Arie Smit took over the former naval yard. During the years, the company grew from 18 employees in 1875 to 1,200 in 1900. In the 1950s, The Schelde employed more than 4,600 people. The yard was part of the city center of Vlissingen and dominated the view in the streets.

Damen Shipyards

In 1961 The Schelde moved to the Sloe area. This new yard ‘Scheldepoort’ is strategically located outside the city of Vlissingen in the Sloe harbor industrial area. The old yard in the city center was used to build luxury yachts. In the nineties the company could barely survive and in the year 2000 Damen Shipyards bought the company for one guilder.

The halls in the city center, including the machinefabriek, were abandoned in 2008. Only the headquarter is still in use. The halls were cleaned and partly demolished. There are no future plans yet for the machine hall. More photos of this abandoned shipyard here. Also check De Timmerfabriek,  Schelde Bedrijfsschool and Zware Plaatwerkerij. I took these photos of the ‘Machinefabriek De Schelde’ in 2007.

Built 1913-1919
Abandoned 2004