
Ferienhotel Vereinigte Energiewerke


Ferienhotel Vereinigte Energiewerke, nestled amidst the serene forests surrounding Sayda in Saxony, stands as a relic of a bygone era. Once a cherished retreat for employees of the German energy giant Vereinigte Energiewerke, this abandoned hotel, restaurant, and swimming pool now languish in desolation.

Vereinigte Energiewerke

The history of Vereinigte Energiewerke, a once-prosperous energy supply company headquartered in Berlin, starts in 1990. In its heyday at the end of 1990, the company boasted a workforce of 23,000. The company was offering its employees a nice vacation in the forests surrounding the city Sayda in Saxony. However, a decade later, the company’s fortunes waned, leaving behind a mere fraction of its former workforce, and the once-thriving Ferienhotel fell into disrepair.

The hotel complex comprises two distinct buildings, each bearing witness to its own chapter of history. The older structure, situated along the roadside, served as the cultural hub of the town, housing a restaurant, theater, and select hotel rooms. A newer addition to the site, erected later, boasted modern amenities, including a swimming pool and additional accommodations.

During my visit to the site in the summer of 2020, I was struck by the haunting beauty of Ferienhotel Vereinigte Energiewerke. I wandered through the dilapidated corridors and explored the overgrown grounds. The swimming pool, once a hub of activity, now lay still, its waters long forgotten by the laughter of guests.

The complex serves as a sad reminder of the past. Yet, amidst the decay, there exists a quiet beauty, a testament to the resilience of nature reclaiming its rightful place. Follow this link for more glimpses into the world of abandoned hotels, each bearing its own tale of forgotten grandeur and silent echoes of the past.

Built 1900s
Abandoned 1999