NVA Schwimmhalle Löbau


NVA Schwimmhalle Löbauis a military swimming pool that was built in 1975 to train cadets. It was part of the military school that was housed in the Jägerkaserne in Löbau.

The Jägerkaserne was built in 1912. After 1933 the barracks were rebuilt and expanded, and from 1935 the Wehrmacht used the Jäger barracks to train recruits for a replacement army. After the Second World War, the NVA took over. NVA stands for Nationale Volksarmee, the Army of the DDR. During 1963, various officer schools for individual branches of the NVA land forces were combined and housed together in Löbau. Eventually, in the Cold War, several new buildings were added to the military village. During the year 1975 the pool was built.

The military pool was not only used by soldiers and officers, at fixed times it was also used for public visits from local people.

They abandoned the pool in 1995 after the fall of the iron curtain. Meanwhile, vandalism and weather influences resulted in heavy decay inside the pool, creating a little paradise for urban explorers. I visited Schwimmhalle Löbau in 2016 during one of my East German road trips. See more abandoned pools here, here and here.

Built 1975
Abandoned 1995
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