Het Goese Lyceum


‘Het Goese Lyceum’ is an abandoned secondary school in Goes, a small town in the south-west of the Netherlands.

On the initiative of Dutch Minister Johan Rudolph Thorbecke, they built an HBS or ‘Hogere Burgerschool’ in Goes in 1865. In 1946 the school started a gymnasium and in 1986 it merged with the ‘Burgemeester Van Dusseldorpschool’, founded in 1939 and named after the mayor of Goes. In 1960 the current school buildings were built and were connected to the old Dusseldorpschool.

‘Het Goese Lyceum’ moved in 2014 to a new modern school, consequently the old buildings were abandoned. The old Dusseldorpschool is protected, but the newer parts of the school were demolished early 2015. I visited the school in 2014. See more abandoned schools here. At the present time, the old Dusseldorpschool is in use again.

Built 1939
Abandoned 2014
Demolished 2015
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